When November and December approach, it's a time of excitement and cheer that sometimes gets overridden by anxiety and stress. People love to gather and enjoy each other's company, but there's usually a host and some etiquette that goes along with it. Speaking from experience as both the host and the person attending a party, both of the scenarios have some grey area that contributes to the stacking pressure amidst the holiday spirit. I want to help you manage that pressure and boost your confidence going into the holidays as if you have this all under wraps (no pun intended, haha) so you can actually enjoy yourself too! Below are 5 steps that will help you navigate this holiday season so you don't feel like you got run over by a truck come New Year's Eve!

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Step #1: First things first...what's on your list?

Some people flounder in their thoughts simply because they can't get them organized in their head. I was one of those people...my mind would flood with thought after thought after thought and before I know it, there's a huge 'to do' list on my back. The only problem is...I could never remember everything on the list! As silly as it seems, we have to remind ourselves to bring it back to the basics and just put pen to paper.

Grab a holiday planner and make this your survival guide for the season 

I started doing this simple method last year. I went to Amazon and snagged a super cute planner that I could keep all things in one central location. If you want to grab the one I used this holiday season, you can purchase it by clicking here

Here's what you'll be able to organize in this planner:

* Calendar

* Wish Lists

* Gift Lists 

* Meal Planner

* Budget Planner

* Memories and Notes

* Holiday Card Tracker

* Grocery Shopping List

Step #2: Manage Expectations With Your Family

Part of the reason we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders during the holidays is because we don't ask for help. Often times, we assume that when another person sees us struggling...that they'll jump in and lend a hand. I can tell you from experience this is not going to be the case every time. People operate differently, so if you want to set the precedence with your "help wanted" mood for the season...you must ask! 

Get out your planner and
start jotting it down...

Cookies need baked....go grab your little helpers and get them on board!
Decorations need put up ... this is a gimme, most kids like to help decorate, you may need to bribe some other adults with those cookies you plan to make!
All those cute Christmas cards need to have an address on the envelope to make it to your loved ones. Go grab your school aged children and enlist their help. #1 this will be so cute to the card recipient and #2 this lifts a lot of time off your plate!
Stress the importance of coming together as a family to make the holidays go smooth and give each family member a very important job! This can be anything from your son making the mashed potatoes to your daughter setting up the table.
Include your kids on picking out gifts for others...this reduces the stress of coming up with ideas on your own plus it's a fun way to come together (and bonus, you may get some hints on gifts your children would like too!)

Step #3: Put Your Self Care First!!!

It may sound funny to say, "put yourself first" during the holidays...but that's exactly what I'm saying you should do. The truth is, we run ourselves ragged during the holidays and try to "super-human" our way through it. This is the action that builds all the tension. Always giving yourself to others but not giving to yourself enough. I'm not talking day trips to the spa or anything drastic (though if you can slip away for a day spa trip, do it!!), but taking a solid 20 minutes for yourself every single morning when you wake up to do YOUR routine, this is essential. And likewise in the evening, give yourself that love and care, build in 20 minutes for a bedtime routine. Just like a young child, humans thrive best when there is some type of structure. Don't forget to allow yourself structure during this holiday season!

Not sure where to start for a routine? Here's a helpful tip...start with your skin!

Beginner Skin Care

As we age, we often feel that taking 10 minutes to tend to our skin is just too much to ask. But quite frankly, it's the largest organ of our entire body and the most neglected one at that! Invest in your skin to allow your own natural beauty shine through instead of covering up imperfections with makeup. 

My favorite skin care line is called CellProof which actually reverses the aging process when used consistently. If this is your first time starting up a skin care routine, here is a great set for you that delivers the best results without an overwhelming amount of steps involved: Core Collection

The reason I love the Core Collection for beginner skin care habits is because these ingredients are ultra clean and very effective. The double cleanser focuses on both oil-based and water-based impurities. The serum conditions the skin and rapidly tightens skins. And lastly, the moisturizer provides intense hydration and is compatible with ALL SKIN TYPES!! [This link includes over $20 of savings on the collection]

Complete Body Routine

Already have a skin care routine and want to level up your skin care regimen? Try the CellProof Essentials with patented BioCell Collagen. This body care routine includes the Core Collection PLUS an an Infusion Mask, CellProof Body Firming Foam, Lip Complex and Eye Cream for a complete body routine: CellProof Essentials

I like using the CellProof Essentials because these products have produced a lot of smiles for me when looking in the mirror. I don't like to use a lot of makeup, mostly I just use mascara, so it's nice to have a skin care line that emphasizes my skin's natural appeal and provides that plump elasticity that I was used to  in my early 20s!! [This link includes over $110 of savings on the collection]

Level Up From The Inside-Out

Ready to start experiencing visibly radiant, healthy-looking skin from the inside out? Try the CellProof Inside Out-Collection that combats impurities and promotes elasticity, firmness and hydration! The clean ingredients of this collection have 7 U.S. and International patents along with multiple industry awards. If you're ready to nourish your skin from the inside-out, click here to check it out!

The reason I love this collection is because you are able to focus on both the outside (skin) and internal components simultaneously to compliment one and other. I didn't think I needed to work on my "insides" when I started using this, but the unparalleled collagen that this system uses is unduplicatable which is why it's so sought after...because it's that effective. Ready to give it a try? CellProof Inside-Out Collection  [This link includes over $153 of savings on the collection]

Step #4: Roll With The Punches

So maybe you have a 'slight' control issue when it comes to things going according to plan. It happens to the best of us...and something is bound to go unfavorably but the power you do hold is how you react to that situation. 

We put so much pressure on ourselves during the holidays and then engrain in our brain that things must go right or the whole thing is a bust. The reality is...that's not really true. I find that when I'm proactive about expecting something to slip through the cracks, it doesn't impact me as much as if I were holding my breath expecting everything to go perfect. 

Let go a little in order to make a lot of room mentally...

Step #5: Have A Recovery Plan In Place

Quicker than we realize, the holiday month has come to an end and New Years Eve is upon us. Yet another gathering with lots of yummy food and drinks to celebrate the night away. And then it happens...you wake up on New Years Day regretting all the terrible foods and sweets you stuffed into your body over the holidays. Time to get back to reality and get yourself in 'ready mode' to take on this brand new year!!

Recovery Plan Ideas: